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Description :
The 1 Kb DNA Ladder is designed and provided as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The ladder consists of 13 fragments ranging in length from 250 to 12000 bp. The 1500 bp and 4000 bp bands have increased intensity to serve as reference bands. The approximate mass for each band is 50 ng DNA, and 150 ng for reference band, in the 5 ul sample.
The ladder is dissolved in 1x loading dye and ready-to-use. 5x Loading Dye is supplied as a free gift.
Storage / Stability :
Store at -20℃. The product is stable for 1 year stored at -20℃. It can be stored at least 3 months at 4℃. Do not heat before loading.
The 250 bp DNA Ladder is designed and provided as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The ladder consists of 9 fragments ranging in length from 100 to 5000 bp. The 500 bp and 1500 bp bands have increased intensity to serve as reference bands. The approximate mass for each band is 50 ng DNA, and 150 ng for reference band, in the 5 ul sample.
The 100 bp DNA Ladder is designed and provided as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The ladder consists of 15 fragments ranging in length from 100 to 2000 bp. The 500 bp and 1200 bp bands have increased intensity to serve as reference bands. The approximate mass for each band is 50 ng DNA, and 150 ng for reference band, in the 5 ul sample. The ladder is dissolved in 1x loading dye and ready-to-use. 5x Loading Dye is supplied as a free gift.